Suggested Numeracy Websites for Pupils with SEN + videos
Activities - Module 1 - 5
Activity - Module 1
Click any image below to get a closer look
Create a word bank of words of magic E words from this list (cake, plate, save, brave, cave, mate, plate, tame, game, flame, tape) or own list of words, save as a pdf in your folder on the desktop. Make a pdf document of your word sheet (see what finished product should look like on the left here)​
Create a wordbank with the website SightWords – 8 words beginning with letter a.
Make a pdf document of your word sheet
Keep SNIPs of all your activities for your Google Slideshow

Keep SNIPs of your activities for your Google Slideshow
Activity - Module 2
Create a simple “Add One More” worksheet as shown (using SENteacher.org) and save as pdf.
​Create a maths worksheet of 16 question basic two digit addition (with carrying) Make a pdf document of your worksheet and email as an attachment.
Make a pdf document of your word sheet. Keep SNIPs of your activities for your Google Slideshow

Click any image to get a closer look
Keep SNIPs of your activities for your Google Slideshow
OPTIONAL – if you require practice on Google Slides
Follow the video “Introducing Google Slides” on this website – Activity 2 – The Sun on Google Slides to assist you gain a working knowledge of adding images, text, backgrounds, transitions and more. Create a slideshow similar to the one on the video and add your own name to the title slide. Copy the URL of your finished slideshow and paste it into the Forum comments.
Activity - Module 3
Begin your main course activity by selecting a literacy and numeracy website to be included in your Google Slideshow – add your first slide for each selection, which will include at least one SNIP from the chosen website, create the title slide and apply a transition from slide to slide.
Sample from last course - here
Activity - Module 4
Create a concept map OR a 5 point scale OR a visual schedule for a student you teach.
Click any image to get a closer look

Keep SNIPs for your Google Slideshow
Activity - Module 5
Create a fun Kahoot to be used with pupils on some aspect of literacy or numeracy (10 questions) and provide the link for all participants to be able to access – upload the link to the Forum. A course page will be made available with links to all the resources created which will be accessed from the akwebdesign.ie
Final Overall Challenge
Overall Activity – Complete your Google Slideshow using ï‚·
3 literacy slides ï‚·
3 numeracy slides and ï‚·
3 slides using websites or resources in relation to assessment, behaviour or autism.
Fully explain as to how you use / have used / will use this website with at least one pupil with SEN. The slideshow will have a title slide, transitions from slide to slide and will be completed so that other participants will be also able to use this site / resource. Please provide link if possible to the site involved. The slideshow URL should be uploaded to the Forum for Module 5.
Optional Challenge
OPTIONAL CHALLENGE – Can you create a set of bingo cards to practice Magic E words – as seen here. Screengrab and save for Google Slides slideshow. Add in four extra cards, make, brake, bike and strike. Note the way your added words have been included randomly on pupil bingo cards. Screengrab 2. Ensure these pupil bingo cards show 12 pics each (Bingo Format Cards). Save and prepare your cards for printing. Some suggested literacy links will be found here: https://www.akwebdesign.ie/sen

Videos for Course 2024
7. This video has been added to show how to add extensions to Google Chrome such as th Open Dyslexic font, Talkie and Google Dictionary and the advantages for having them available when working with pupils with SEN from the senior level of primary school and upwards - right through secondary school.